Change of Name In Kenya
- The process of changing your name is actually fairly straightforward.
- Anyone can change their name to any new name of their choice. However, there are some restricted names that you cannot be allowed to use.
- The main document in the change of name is a Deed Poll which is a standard application form that you fill to express your intention to change your name.
- The Deed Poll is accompanied by other documents depending on the circumstances of the case. More details on this are provided below.
- Once you have all the documents in order, you present them before the Registrar for registration. Upon registration, the Registrar will cause the Deed Poll to be advertised in the Kenya Gazette.
- The consequence of the change of name is that you will need to apply for a fresh national ID card to reflect the new name.
How would you go about changing your name if you wanted to?
Your name is an important part of who you are. It is more than a convenient way for people to refer to you, and/or interact with you. Your name could carry deep personal, professional, or even familial connections that carry deep emotions and sentiments. This is why it is important to have the liberty to change your name anytime you feel discontent with your current one.
Dissatisfaction with names arises for varied reasons. First, because we get our names from our parents after birth, it is possible for one to end up not liking that name at a later stage. Secondly, as we go through various stages in the journey of life, some events may occur in our lives necessitating a change of name. For instance, a lady would want to adopt the name of her husband upon marriage; a politician would want to adopt his/her popular nickname to be part of his/her name; a business person would want to adopt the name of his/her popular brand name; a divorced lady would want to drop the name of her ex-husband. These are just but a few life events that may necessitate a change of name.
Under Kenyan law, Change of name is governed by The Registration of Persons Act, The Births and Deaths Registration Act, and The Registration of Documents (Change of Name) Regulations. The process is not that complicated, especially with the appropriate advice upfront.
The procedure
The procedure and documentation required to change your name vary depending on your age. The relevant age brackets here are 0-2, 2-16, 16-18, and 18 + years. The document required for various applicants is provided below.
- For children below 2 years
The application is done via the e-citizen platform.
- For children over 2 years but below 16 years
Documents required;
- A Deed Poll (Form 4A of the Schedule to the Registration of Documents (Change of Name) Regulations) – this will be filled and signed by the parents/guardians on behalf of the minor. The Deed Poll is also supposed to be signed by a witness.
- Birth certificate of the minor
- Both parents consent
- For children over 16 years but below 18 years
Documents required;
- A Deed Poll (Form 4A of the Schedule to the Registration of Documents (Change of Name) Regulations) – this will be filled and signed by the parents/guardians on behalf of the minor. The document will also need to be signed by a witness.
- Birth certificate of the minor
- Consent of the minor
- For adults (above 18 years)
- Adults generally
Documents you need;
- A Deed Poll (Form 1)
- A Statutory Declaration by a person who is resident in Kenya and has known you by the name you wish to change from (Form 6)
- Your birth certificate
- Your National identification.
- Women adopting husband name upon marriage
Documents required;
- A Deed Poll (Form 1)
- A Statutory Declaration by a person who is resident in Kenya and has known you by the name you wish to change from (Form 6)
- Your birth certificate
- Your National identification.
- Marriage certificate
- Husbands consent
- Women dropping husband name on divorce
Documents required;
- A Deed Poll (Form 1)
- A Statutory Declaration by a person who is resident in Kenya and has known you by the name you wish to change from (Form 6)
- Your birth certificate
- Your National identification.
- Marriage certificate
- Decree of divorce
- Women dropping husband name where they have separated but not yet divorced
Documents required;
- A Deed Poll (Form 1)
- A Statutory Declaration by a person who is resident in Kenya and has known you by the name you wish to change from (Form 6)
- Your birth certificate
- Your National identification.
- Marriage certificate
- Certificate from an advocate certifying the separation
- Women dropping husband name upon the death of the husband
Documents required;
- A Deed Poll (Form 1)
- A Statutory Declaration by a person who is resident in Kenya and has known you by the name you wish to change from (Form 6)
- Your birth certificate
- Your National identification.
- Marriage certificate
- Certificate of death
- Once you have all the documents in order, you present them before the Registrar for registration. Upon registration, the Registrar will cause the Deed Poll to be advertised in the Kenya Gazette. With that, the name change is complete.
- Life after the change of name; you will need to make an application to change your National ID card to reflect the new name.
During change of name, does the birth certificate number change?
Dear Beti, No the birth certificate number doesn’t change.
During change of name, does the birth certificate number change?
Dear Ombura, No the birth certificate number doesn’t change.
Approximately how long does the whole process take? And would you be willing to disclose, by range, the approximate amount of money it would cost me?
I fall under the “adults generally” category.
Dear Faith,
It takes a minimum of 3 months. Which name change process would you like?
I would like to change my surname
Dear Faith, Kindly fill in the google sheet using the link below.
After name change, am I required to get a new birth certificate?
Dear Gati,
Kindly note that after change of name, no new birth certificate is required.
Im I allowed to inherit my father if my ID doesn’t display his name
Dear Joel,
Kindly read through the below article.